Case Study: Fresh Grounded Faith

Fresh Grounded Faith is an events company founded by Jennifer Rothschild that helps women of faith come together to connect to each other and to God. However, when the COVID-19 global pandemic struck, FGF was left with no choice but to take their business model online.

One of the biggest challenges a business faces whenever transitioning from a traditional face-to-face model like live events to a virtual model is creating user engagement and building trust. FGF turned to Evidence to help them succeed. 

Rather than creating a simple campaign with the same notifications firing acorss the entire site, Fresh Grounded Faith put together a custom strategy to use Evidence to impact their online engagement and conversions in a big way. In all, FGF has up to 20 campaigns running at a time, each with their own landing page and up to 7 specific notifications in each campaign. This strategy helped customize the type of notifications shown for each event and city.

Here are some of the ways Fresh Grounded Faith is using Evidence to grow their business. 

Social Proof: FGF used Evidence to show real-time social proof to thousands of website visitors. Using the COnversion, Visitor Count, and Hot Streaks notifications, customers were able to confidently purchase a ticket despite all the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic because they could see that other women around the country were doing the same thing. 

Real-Time Updates: With so much change happening in the way that small businesses can operate and people are allowed to gather, it was important for FGF to be able to show real-time updates of what is going on with their events. Using’s Announcement notification, FGF could quickly and easily create an update and fire it to specific pages for their customers to see. 

Synchronized Call-To-Action: FGF knows the importance of getting engaged website visitors to take the right action. They used Evidence to create specific notifications that were directly related to the call-to-action given from stage during their live events. Those Announcement notifications were synchronized to show on the event site at the same time as they were shown on stage, which helped both live and virtual attendees respond to the call-to-action from their mobile devices. 

Cross-Promotion: While much of FGF’s efforts are to promote their events, they also market speaking engagements, merchandise, founder’s books, and a podcast. They have been able to use Evidence to promote these additional offerings using the Announcement and Offer notifications. 


Fresh Grounded Faith chose Evidence over other platforms because it gave FGF the ability to customize notifications better than other tools that gave them standardized, templated notifications. This allowed notifications to look like the rest of the site instead of a 3rd party tool, which is critical to increasing the effectiveness of social proof. FGF incorporated logos, colors, product images, and other branded elements. In the words of FGF, “this is golden in marketing and has the ability to generate interest, product familiarity, and brand recognition.”

Because Fresh Grounded Faith used Evidence to promote specific landing pages and offers, they tracked their traffic growth. In the year since deploying Evidence, FGF has seen a 20% increase in landing page traffic. 20% is amazing growth, but what really stands out is how those pages performed by using Evidence. 

By using Evidence to increase buyer confidence and create more urgency for event tickets, Fresh Grounded Faith was able to see their conversions increase by a whopping 525%. In addition to their event sales and other offers, they saw a 970% increase in pre-launch sales for their book launched in July 2020, compared to their pre-launch sales of the book released in 2018. 

“Evidence truly is a versatile and powerful application that has helped us take our marketing efforts to the next level. In short, we are BIG fans!”

Company Bio

Fresh Grounded Faith is an event production company specializing in producing and marketing twelve women's conferences across the country each year called Fresh Grounded Faith. Each event has anywhere from 800 to 3000 women in attendance and features well-known speakers, teachers, and award-winning music artists. Founder and host of Fresh Grounded Faith is the best-selling author, speaker, blogger and podcaster Jennifer Rothschild, who at 15 years of age was diagnosed with a rare degenerative eye disease that would eventually steal her sight. But through blindness, Jennifer has spent over a decade sharing her message of encouragement to thousands of women across the country through her books, speaking events, women’s conferences, and most recently her podcast -- teaching them to walk by faith, not by sight.

Learn more about Fresh Grounded Faith

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