Spendways helps individuals and businesses make educated decisions with their finances, specifically when finding the right solution for their debit and credit cards. Because they are giving advice, building trust is a crucial part of their website strategy.
Spendways doesn’t generate revenue from selling anything. Instead, nearly all of their revenue comes from sending traffic to the financial institutions website. While some of these banking solutions offer robust affiliate programs, many do not offer anything at all. How does Spendways maximize revenue without damaging the trust they have created by giving unbiased advice on financial products?
Spendways turned to Evidence to solve this solution.
Site visitors are able to view all the products, regardless of the affiliate program, and learn everything they need to know about the financial solutions available to them. By using Evidence, Spendways is able to send a notification about a recent review for a product that offers an affiliate program. They can also send a targeted offer for customers to learn more about one of the more profitable products.
Using Evidence has not only helped Spendways monetize their traffic, but it has increased the number of total affiliate conversions for their site. Overall, Spendways has seen an increase of 10% conversions with some pages seeing increases as high as 25%.
Fabien Paupier is the founder of Spendways, a financial education website to help find the best banking tools in France. Spendways allows you to find the best bank offer for yourself, family, and business.