According to Forbes.com, the average conversion rate in the United States is 7.2%. This is the second highest conversion rate in the world.
The design of your website is the key to turning visitors into customers. You may be struggling to find a way to make your website appealing enough to get that 7.2 percent conversion rate.
If this is the case then you are in the right place because this article will explore several strategies that can help you do just that. The strategies are easy and simple to implement. Here are some tips that will help you to drive website conversions.
1. How Fast Does Your Page Load?
The speed of your site is extremely important for conversion. Websites that take long to load make visitors impatient. Impatient visitors will leave your site.
So how do you make your site load at the speed of light? There are several tricks you can use.
First, you can use adaptive images on your website. There are tools available to adapt your images to make them more lightweight so that they load faster and at a greater speed.
The second thing you can do is keep your plugins up to date. Plugins that are not up to date can slow down your website considerably. The simple fix for this is to remove outdated plugins and the ones no longer supported.
Thirdly, you can compress your content to improve website performance. Some web servers do this automatically. However, if this is not available to you then you can use online compression services. These will remove any unnecessary spaces or excess characters that occur in your HTML and CSS code which will make your site load faster.
2. Use Hick's Law
Hick's Law states that action may be lost depending on the number of choices that are presented. The idea behind this law is that the more choices that are presented the less likely it is for a user to actually make a choice.
The bottom line is that less is more. The first place you should be applying this minimalist approach is your website navigation bar. The fewer choices available the more likely it is that a user will take action.
The next thing you should do is make sure your page is focused on one end goal. Maybe you would like users to sign up to your newsletter or pick up a lead magnet. Make sure you keep your page goal focused to avoid too many distractions.
3. Use The Rule of Thirds
The rule of thirds is a principle that is used in photography. However, it is also useful for web design. This is because it will help you to create a center of interest on your website where you can put your most critical information.
Look at the header of your webpage and visually divide it into three equal parts vertically. Divide it into three equal parts horizontally as well. The middle square or rectangle is where you want to put the most important information on your webpage.
You can do this for other sections of the webpage as well to create visual interest.
4. Negative Spaces
Negative spaces refer to the number of empty spaces in your design. If your website is cluttered then you will see a lack of interest in your content and this reduces conversion rates.
Negative spaces are good for web design. This is because it helps to make everything more readable.
This means you have to make sure you have enough negative spaces between paragraphs and even letters. Take a look at these tips that will help you make positive use of negative space.
- Use small fonts, this will ensure that the text on your site is not overwhelming.
- If you have large blocks of text, try breaking them up into smaller pieces.
- Deliberately add white spaces in between the various sections on your website.
These simple tricks will help to make your website have a cleaner interface which will greatly impact your conversion rate. Take a look at your favorite social sites or any website you love to visit. Chances are you will see negative spaces being utilized to increase interactions and conversions.
5. Color Matters
Color is often one of the most overlooked aspects of design. Color has the potential to grab attention and even to evoke emotion.
It is essential that you create a color scheme that will create the mood and tone that you are trying to convey. If possible try out different color schemes on test audiences to find out what kind of emotions it evokes and how it makes them feel about your brand.
Take a look at some of the most popular websites on the web or even a look at some of your favorite websites. This will give you an idea of the kinds of color schemes that work to grab attention.
6. The F Shape Will Give You More Website Conversions
There is evidence that people actually read web pages in an "F" pattern. That means they read from left to right and then look down the page and then go back to reading from left to right again.
Try to put your most important content in some of these areas to ensure that they gain attention. One of the major takeaways from this is that you should keep important information away from the bottom half of the page because chances are high that not that many people are going to read it.
Final Thoughts
You need website conversions in order to have a successful business. However, in order to get conversions, you need to make sure that your website is primed and ready to make the best impression.
This is not always easy since no one style can convert every visitor. However, there are some good overall principles that you can use to ensure that you raise your conversions rates. These principles are simple and easy to implement and have a huge impact.
If you would like to learn more about how you can increase conversions on your website please visit our blog often.